أخبار عاجلة

The Difference Between Men and Women in Their Using of Hedges

This paper collects data from the previous research which discussed the differences between females and males from many sides, the differences between both sexes in their using of hedges while they are speaking, the stereotype about women’ speech, for example, the features which are attributed to women’s language and made their speech powerless or weak, and finally the arguments which talked about the powerful and powerless language and which sex use the hedges more than the other. Also, it focuses on two conversations which occurred between various genders in order to analyze the transcripts of both conversations and compare the results of these two conversations with the previous research. Through this analysis for these two conversations, the paper will show the reader if females use hedges more than males, males use hedges more than females, or both of them use the same or approximate number of hedges in their speech.

Keywords: Hedges, Gender, Prestige, Solidarity, Male, Female.

Eman Abdulrahman ALZAHRANI, Doctorate, University of Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

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