تعليمية اللغة الألمانية من خلال الصحف الألمانيةVDS
An attempt was made to research the subject of German language teaching through German newspapers. The aim here is to address the shortcomings in terms of language skills by using German-speaking newspapers as educational materials for language training and language support.
Principal Question
To what extent can one claim that German-speaking newspapers and magazines can enhance linguistic production among Algerian learners of German language and literature?
To answer this question, the author puts forward the following partial hypotheses:
Linguistic production can be enhanced in the context of the use of German-speaking newspapers and magazines VDS among Algerian learners of German.
Main results
Audiovisual documents and VDS files facilitate the learners’ integration into the target culture.
They can Express themselves without pressure and without fear
Some conclusions
VDS magazine allow learners Taking initiatives orally and in writing and developing creative abilities.
VDS magazine contains original texts from daily life of the destination country and gives learners the opportunity to discover their own culture, history and language, which is why VDS is the best.
The magazine as an educational tool, is very interesting to develop the level of learning at different levels, especially in terms of grammar, vocabulary, phonics and spelling.
Keywords: German newspapers VDS, German language, DIDACTIC, Language Training, Language Support.