أخبار عاجلة

الصفحة الرئيسية

مجلة ريحان للنشر العلمي

مجلة علمية ، محكمة، شهرية ، مفتوحة الوصول ، تصدر عن مركز فكر للدراسات والتطوير

عن المجلة

مجلة ريحان للنشر العلمي، مجلة علمية، محكمة، شهرية، مفتوحة الوصول، تصدر عن مركز فكر للدراسات والتطوير. ذات تسلسل معياري دولي ISSN-E:2709-2097 .مجلة ريحان للنشر العلمي.

تأسست عام 2020 كمنارة للباحثين والطلبة والأساتذة الجامعيين والأكاديميين لنشر أبحاثهم، وأوراقهم العلمية، ومراجعتها سواء كانت باللغة العربية، الانكليزية أو التركية.

الجودة والتميز – الحرية الأكاديمية –  المنهجية العلمية –  التحسين المستمر

أن نكون منصة مميزة تجمع الباحثين من مختلف دول العالم، وتنشر البحوث والدراسات العلمية المختلفة، التي تساهم في التجديد الفكري وتضييق الفجوة بين المعرفة وصناعة القرار في المؤسسات الإدارية والسياسية والمجتمعية؛ وتقديم تحليلات ودراسات استراتيجية تتميز بالعمق والمهنية وملامسة الواقع

العمل على التطوير المعرفي، وابتكار حلول علمية وعملية تخص قضايا المجتمع. وبناء شراكات محلية وعالمية، لإحداث تنمية مجتمعية، قائمة على الاستفادة من الخبرات المحلية والعالمية، والدراسات الأكاديمية،واستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات الحديثة

دراسات الاعمال والاداره العامة

الدراسات القانونية

الدراسات الاسلامية

دراسات التربية والتعليم

الدراسات الهندسية

الدراسات التاريخية

علم النفس

علم الاجتماع

دراسات ومجالات آخرى

تنشر مجلة ريحان  في العديد من المجالات والتخصصات لشمولية المجلة أكاديميا وعلميا واتاحة الفرصة امام الباحثيين العلميين وطلاب الدراسات العليا من الحصول على مجلة شامله لنشر بحوثهم واوراقهم العلمية

دولةباحثبحث منشورجامعات

تتميز مجلة ريحان للنشر العلمي بالدقة، والسرية في العمل، حيث تحافظ على سلامة الأبحاث الواردة للمجلة، وتلتزم بسرية البيانات والمعلومات التي يرسلها المستخدم للمجلة، ولا تفصح بها لأي جهة كانت، كما تضمن المجلة عدم مشاركة: اسم الباحث، أو رقمة، أو الإيميل الخاص به .قبل نشر بحثه

Skill in preparing research and scientific dissertations. and their arbitration mechanisms مهارة إعـداد البحوث والرسائل العلمية وآليات تحكيمها

The skill of preparing research and scientific dissertations is considered one of the basic skills that researchers in various academic fields must master. This research reviews the basic steps and methodologies used in preparing scientific research, starting from choosing the topic and defining the research problem, through reviewing previous literature, …

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The approach of the predecessors in the operative and concept منهج السلف في المنطوق والمفهوم

The researcher concluded that the approach of the predecessors in the operative and the concept is one of the most important chapters that should be searched for, because it entails very important provisions. Through the study, it was found that the significance of words is divided into spoken, which is: …

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The Objectives of Belief in the Names of Allah – Al-Zahir and Al-Batin: A Model مقاصد الاعتقاد بأسماء الله -الظاهر والباطن- أنموذجا

Since the names of God signify His great and perfect attributes, and since knowing God’s names leads to significant benefits in worship, along with the continuous study of the objectives (Maqasid) within theological discourse which holds great importance, the idea for this paper emerged. It aims to explore in detail …

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Digital Transformation Requirements in Primary Healthcare Projects متطلبات التحول الرقمي في مشاريع الرعاية الصحية الأولية

This study aimed to identify the main requirements that must be met to successfully implement digital transformation in primary health care projects, by identifying the basic requirements for the current technological infrastructure in health care centers and identifying the current systems and technologies used and the extent of their integration …

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Kehf Suresinin ayetleri arasında gözle görünür bir bağlantı bulunmaktadır. Surenin ana teması, adı, iniş sebebi ve sureyle ilgili hadisler dikkate alındığında bu bağlantı daha fazla görünür hale gelmektedir. Surenin, kişinin dini, dünyevi ve ahiret hayatını muhafaza etme noktasında büyük bir öneme sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada, Kehf Suresi’nde yer alan …

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Role of Chadian Political Parties in DemocraticTransformation

The research was entitled The Role of Chadian Political Parties in Democratic Transformation, and the paper dealt with two axes, each axis containing demands. In the first axis, the researcher discussed the concept of Chadian political parties, their emergence and development, and explained the concept of the political party, and …

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The structure of tyranny in the Quranic story of Moses and Pharaoh بنية الاستبداد في قصة موسى وفرعون القرآنية

Abstract : The phenomenon of tyranny is one of the calamities that have afflicted the Islamic nation, as tyranny systems have spread in many countries of our Arab and Islamic world, where these systems are based on oppression, humiliation of peoples and squandering their wealth, and some of them use …

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The African liberation struggle and its impact on ChadianArabic. poetry between (1960-2010 AD)

The study focused on the subject of the African liberation struggle and its impact on the Chadian Arabic poetry by three Chadian poets, namely: Abbas ,Muhammad Abdel Wahid, Muhammad Omar Al-Fal and Issa Abdullah between2010 and 1960 AD. , a period full of revolutions and liberation .movements The research was …

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Spiritual Leadership and the Extent of its Reflection onOrganizational Virtuousness in Government Institutions inDhofar Governorate

This study aims to identify the effect of spiritual leadership on organizational Virtuousness in government institutions in Dhofar Governorate. This study was applied to five government institutions represented in (Dhofar Municipality, Consumer Protection Authority, General Directorate of Health Services, General Directorate of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, and the General Directorate …

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The relationship between literature and prisons in the modern era its origins and manifestations

Bu araştırmanın konusu, modern Arap edebiyatında hapis kavramı ve bu kavramın imajını çizen ilgili tezahürler ve sınırlar etrafında dönüyor. Bu araştırmada, araştırmanın fikrini açıkladığım bir giriş sunmayı amaçladım. Bu araştırmayı dört bölüme ayırdım; ilk bölümü buna hazırlık, ikinci bölümü ise onun ortaya çıkışının koşullarını ve boyutlarını tanımlamaya, üçüncü ve dördüncü …

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