A Literary Approach to Modern Tafseer Researches
الاتجاه الأدبي في الدراسات التفسيريةالمعاصرة
The Literary Trend in Contemporary Interpretive Studies has adopted a new approach in the literary interpretation of the Qur’an, based on exploring the objective unity and the links that link Qur’anic verses and surahs to each other. The seeds of this tendency in interpretation have begun to appear in the interpretation of Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Rashid Rida, and Muhammad Mustafa al-Maraghi, but their efforts in this regard do not go beyond passing references and glimpses. As for the real birth of modern literary interpretation, the crystallization of its theoretical foundations, and the inauguration of those principles in exegetical experiments, it was crystallized by Sheikh Amin al-Khouli and his students; Where Amin Al-Khouli established some methodological foundations for this trend in his research, which he wrote as a commentary on the article (interpretation) in the (Islamic Encyclopedia). Then he expanded on his statement in other research, and his student Dr. Bint Al-Shati built her interpretation (the graphic interpretation of the Noble Qur’an) based on what her professor Al-Khouli laid out the basics for this type of literary interpretation, and in this study we review this type of literary interpretation.
Keywords: The Qur’an, Literary Interpretation, Amin Al-Khouli, Aisha Abdel-Rahman, the Graphic Interpretation.
Dr. Öğr.Üyesi Ahmet ALABALIK, Yalova Üniversitesi, İslami İlimler Fakültesi – TÜRKİYE