Study in origin of disagreement, evidence and weighting
مذاهب العلماء في تعليل الأحكام
-دراسة في أصل الخلاف والأدلة والترجيح-
The explanation of the judgments is a thorough examination, and an intertwined topic, in which a lot of prolonged, talked about by the creation of abundant scholars, is one of the most accurate probes of the cause; Because it is concerned with its field, and establishes its philosophy and surroundings, that is, what can be used for reasoning and what cannot, in the sense of explaining what is reasoned by the provisions of the sharia and what does not, and that the purpose of this research is to consider the matter, and to discuss the words of scholars, politely and narratively; The intention is to get right about the matter, to make a statement of the successor of the words, to make the subject more accurate, and to get me more attached to it, being associated with two big sciences: the science of the origins of religion, and the science of the origins of jurisprudence; because the disagreement on the matter is my word before it turns into judgment.
Keywords: Logic, Judgments, Doctrines, Disagreement, Evidence, Weighting.
HADDOU OMOUNI, PhD student in Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Saise Fez, Specialization: Islamic Studies, Sidi Mohammed Bin Abdullah University, Fez – MOROCCO