أخبار عاجلة

Ash ‘ari’s Verbal Lesson: Controls of Reasoning and Methodology

الدّرس الكلامي الأشعري: ضوابط الاستدلال والمنهج

In the context of this research, we discussed the topic of the reasoning approach at the Ash ‘ari school, where we discussed the problem of the deductive approach of this Islamic group, and worked to extract its most important characteristics according to real examples adopted by the teachers of this school, and to determine the alphabet of this verbal lesson and its suitability for mental logic, According to the methodology of analysis and description that enabled us to reach several results, the most important of which is that the path of pairing between reason and transmission in the Asharites enabled them to build a verbal base that has made this doctrine vibrant to this day.

Keywords: Ash ‘ari School, Verbal Lesson, Syllabus, Inference.

Dr. Saloua BEN AHMED, PhD in Humanities, Social and Religious Sciences and Education, Fundamentals of Religion, Researcher in Theology and Philosophy, Al-Zaytoonah University – TUNISIA

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