أخبار عاجلة

Arab Political Regimes Patterns of Governance and the Crisis of Legitimacy

الأنظمة السياسية العربية

أنماط الحكم وأزمة الشرعية

This research paper analyzes the political regimes in the Arab world since independence and their legitimacy. It examines three styles of government: hereditary, republican, and military. Hereditary regimes pass power within ruling families based on historical or religious legitimacy. Republican regimes derive legitimacy from political pluralism and elections. Military regimes come to power through coups or revolutions and justify their rule by restoring order and stability. The paper explores how these regimes establish and maintain legitimacy, their challenges and limitations, and their impact on political outcomes. The research provides valuable insights into the dynamics of political regimes in the Arab world and their implications.

Keywords: Hereditary Regimes, Republican Regimes, Military Regimes, Legitimacy.

Mohammed AMEZZIAN, Professor of Islamic political thought, College of Sharia, Qatar University – QATAR

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