أخبار عاجلة

The Scientific Movement Existed in the First Five Centuries of the Hijrah

الحركة العلمية ببُست في القرون الخمسة الأولى من الهجرة

This research aims to shed light on the scientific and literary movement that took place in the region of Boost in the first five centuries of the Hijrah. Schools, Councils of Scholars, and the Contributions of Boostians to Sharia Sciences that this region was known for science and literature, and that the scholars of Boost had great care in Sharia sciences.

Keywords: Movements, Scientific, Forensic Sciences, Boost.

Hameedullah MUZAMIL, PhD student in the Department of Hadith and its Sciences at the International Islamic University in Islamabad / currently Head of Academic Affairs at the Ministry of Higher Education – Islamic Emirate of AFGHANISTAN

Ismail Muhammad AMIN, Assistant Professor of Hadith, International Islamic University, Islamabad – PAKISTAN

تقييم المستخدمون: 0.59 ( 1 أصوات)

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