This study talked about the role of Arabic poetry in national security, which is considered one of the most important basic pillars on which countries depend to bring about the desired development in various fields. Development in its comprehensive sense cannot be achieved except under the establishment of security. The study attempted to provide some detail and clarification on the subject. The study aimed to highlight the role of Chadian poets in establishing national security. The descriptive and analytical method was adopted to reach a more accurate and important result. Among the most important results that the study reached was that: Security is the cause of tranquility, Stability in people’s lives, social solidarity, brotherhood, tolerance, and rejection of violence are among the components of national unity. The loss of food security and the search for its security by directing to exploiting oil and cultivating the land.
Keywords: Poetry, Security, National, Politics, Social, Food
Dr. MAHAMAT AL-MOUSTAPHA AHMAT ALBOURHI: Lecturer in the Arabic Language Department, Adam Baraka University_ ABECHE
Dr AHMAT ADAM AL-AMINE: Lecturer in the Arabic Language Department, Adam Baraka University_ ABECHE
Dr ABSAKIINE KANTOCH: Lecturer in the Arabic Language Department, Adam Baraka University_ ABECHE