أخبار عاجلة

“حقوق الأقليات الدينية في الفقه الحنفي” دراسة تأصيلية”The Rights of Religious Minorities in Hanafi Jurisprudence: An Authentic Study

This research addresses the rights of religious minorities in Hanafi jurisprudence in a descriptive and analytical manner, considering that Hanafi jurisprudence carefully protects and defines the rights and freedoms of religious minorities. It is worth noting that the Hanafi School is one of the four main Islamic jurisprudential schools.

Religious minorities refer to groups that adhere to religions different from the dominant religion in the state. In Islamic contexts, these minorities are considered part of the social fabric and are expected to enjoy certain rights.

The freedom of religious minorities in Hanafi jurisprudence is an important principle that is derived from the principles of Islamic Sharia. In this context, religious minorities in a conservative society should be respected in their right to practice their beliefs and ideas freely, provided that this does not conflict with Islamic legal rulings.

The aim of the research is to analyze the rights of religious minorities and understand the rights guaranteed by Hanafi jurisprudence for these minorities and their specifics. This methodology is comprehensive, ensuring coverage of all aspects of the topic, which helps to provide a complete study on the rights of religious minorities in Hanafi jurisprudence.

Keywords: Minorities, Jurisprudence, Rights, Religious, Hanafi

Mohammad Dawood KHAN: is a Phd student at the Afghan International University, Department of Judiciary and Sharia Politics and a lecturer at Polytechnic University, Department of Islamic Culture. _ AFGHANISTAN

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