أخبار عاجلة

The Role of Palestinian Universities in Enhancing the Intellectual Security from the Students’ Views and its relationship to the Need for Knowledge

دور الجامعات الفلسطينية في تعزيز الأمن الفكري لدى طلبتها من وجهة نظرهم وعلاقته بالحاجة إلى المعرفة

The study aimed to identify the level of intellectual security and the need for knowledge among Palestinian university students, and to uncover the role of Palestinian universities in enhancing intellectual security among their students from their points of view. Besides, the study aimed to highlight the nature of the relationship between the role of universities in enhancing intellectual security among their students from their point of view and the need knowledge among Palestinian university students and to identify statistically significant differences in both intellectual security and the need for knowledge among Palestinian university students due to the variables (gender, academic level, and university). The sample consisted of (747) Palestinian university students, and the intellectual security scale and the need for knowledge scale prepared by the researchers were used. The results revealed that the arithmetic mean of intellectual security is (84.2%), which is a high level, and that the arithmetic mean of the need for knowledge is (81.4%), which is a high level. Knowledge among Palestinian university students. Additionally, there are no statistically significant differences in both intellectual security and the need for knowledge among Palestinian university students due to the variables (gender, specialization, university).

Keywords: Palestinian Universities, Promoting Intellectual Security, The Need for Knowledge.

Dr. Khaled Mahmoud ABU NADA, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology – Al-Aqsa University – PALESTINE

Wesal Saeb AL-ATTAL, PhD researcher, University of the Qur’an and the Origination of Sciences – SUDAN

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