أخبار عاجلة

The role of intellectual capital as mediating variable between Inspirational Leadership and Organizational Ambidexterity: A study of its application to the Islamic Tadhamon bank

دور رأس المال الفكري كمتغير وسيط بين القيادة الملهمة والبراعة التنظيمية: دراسة تطبيقية على بنك التضامن الإسلامي

The study aimed to investigate the impact of inspirational leadership on achieving organizational Ambidexterity in Tadhamon Bank and to determine the influence of inspirational leadership on achieving organizational Ambidexterity in Tadhamon Bank with intellectual capital as a mediating variable. The study population consisted of employees of Tadhamon Bank, totaling 107 individuals. To ensure the accuracy of the results, the entire study population was included as the sample. The number of valid and final questionnaire reached 100, with a response rate of 93%.The study found a statistically significant impact of inspirational leadership on achieving organizational Ambidexterity in Tadhamon Bank. It also revealed the influence of inspirational leadership dimensions on achieving exploitation Ambidexterity. However, there was no statistically significant impact of the transformation management dimension on achieving exploitation Ambidexterity. Additionally, there was an impact of inspirational leadership dimensions on achieving investment Ambidexterity, while the organizational empowerment dimension did not have a statistically significant impact on achieving exploitation Ambidexterity.The study concluded that there is a statistically significant impact of inspirational leadership on achieving organizational Ambidexterity in Tadhamon Bank with intellectual capital as a mediating variable. This mediation is partial. The study recommended that the bank rely on performance indicators to determine future directions and explore new methods for developing its current services and outputs.

Keywords: Inspirational Leadership, Organizational Ambidexterity, Intellectual Capital.

Abdullah thabet farhan ALI, Assistant Professor, Sana’a University, Sana’a – YEMEN

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