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The role of group cooperative learning strategy in improving learning multiplication facts for the number four between second grade students

دور استراتيجية التعلم التعاوني الجماعي، في تحسين تعلم حقائق الضرب، للعدد أربعة لدى طلبة الصف الثاني الأساسي

The study aimed to identify the role of the group cooperative learning strategy in improving the learning of multiplication facts for the number four among second grade students, numbering thirty-nine male and female students, in one of the public schools, which is located in a popular, crowded area of the place, in one of the neighborhoods of the city of Zarqa. Within the confines of the classroom for the 2022/2023 academic year, the survey method was used.

The results indicated that there is a wide scope for research, and that there are also multiple topics that must be researched and their role known, whether negative or positive, in supporting student learning. From this standpoint, I will make investigative research an approach that I will continue in the future. The recommendations came from the need to be aware of the needs of his students, research and experiment with different learning strategies, and monitor their role in improving his students because of their impact on the learning process, in addition to implementing a cooperative learning strategy that is directly reflected on the students.

The results also concluded that the overall arithmetic average of the role of the group cooperative learning strategy in improving the learning of multiplication facts for the number four between second grade students was moderate.

The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample regarding the reasons related to the role of the group cooperative learning strategy in improving the learning of multiplication facts for the number four between second grade students, due to the gender of the teacher, academic qualification, and experience in teaching.

Keywords: group cooperative learning, improving learning, multiplication facts.

Safaa ALGHWIRI, Master’s degree in educational administration, The Hashemite University – JORDAN

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