أخبار عاجلة

The requirement to extract Hajj permits and its impact on achieving the purposes of Islamic law in preserving oneself

اشتراط استخراج تصاريح الحج وأثره في تحقيق مقصد الشريعة الإسلامية في حفظ النفس

This study of’ the requirement to extract Hajj permits and its impact on achieving the purposes of Islamic law in preserving oneself” dealt with some issues related to the requirement of Hajj permits, and the extent of their relationship to the achievement of the purposes of Sharia. The study has identified in the research of two issues: namely: what is meant by the purposes of legitimacy and types and their relationship to the rules of jurisprudence regulating the performance of the ritual of Hajj, and the other issue is the applications of the rules of jurisprudence that regulate the procedures of the ritual of Hajj by clarifying the achievement of the purposes of Islamic law. The researchers have pursued in this study the inductive approach by extrapolating the texts of jurists and their sayings, as well as the analytical approach, through the analysis of the sayings of jurists, was among the most important results of the study reached by the researchers are the following: that the purposes of legitimacy are intended by all the interests of the wise street resulting from the provisions of legitimacy, and that the purpose of which is to achieve the worship of God, and reform the condition of the creatures and make them happy in this world and the hereafter, one of the benefits of the purposes of legitimacy is that it is an impervious dam for sectarian fanaticism and difference, the diversity of purposes with several considerations, some of which are due to the purpose of the street, and some of them are due to the purpose of the taxpayer, the benefits of jurisprudential rules are that they are fertile resources In the chapter on fatwas and the judiciary, and that the jurisprudential rules came in support and confirmation. The study recommended the need to obey the guardian in what he deems desirable interest to perform Hajj, and that this is one of the public interests entrusted to the imam based on the rule of “the imam’s behavior on the parish is entrusted to the interest.”

Keywords: Purposes, Legitimacy, Jurisprudence Rules, Hajj Permits, Imam, Warding off Evil.

DR. Magda Kadri Ebrahim Mohamed Hassan SAIF, Assistant professor, Department of lslamic studies, College of Science and Arts KingKhalid University – Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

Dr .Emad Hamdy Abdel samad Abdel Hamid EL SAADAWI, Assistant professor, Department of Islamic studies, College of Science and Arts King Khalid University– Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA, (previously)

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