أخبار عاجلة

The paths of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab in the discovery of the minerals of men

مسالك عـمـر بن الخطاب ـــ رضي الله عنه ـــ في الـكـــشـف عـن مَــــــعَــــاْدِن الـــرّجَــــــــــــاْل

Most notably, many of Omar’s sayings and commandments did not receive the study they deserve despite their fame. And writing on this subject does not go beyond thoughts and short articles that fail to clearly understand what is meant and what is intended, and do not heal the heart. The study showed a deep dimension through the intermarriage between the ideas of the applicants and the modernists. The research shows us the scientific value of the compatibility between the ideas of the ancients and the methods of the moderns regarding the detection of men’s minerals, and to show the age method in controlling many websites that praise and slander without legal controls.

We have taken the inductive, analytical and descriptive approach as a way to our research, depending on the ideas and questions that have circulated in the minds of scholars, as well as the language that opened for us many closed doors. Then answering them, and the many new incidents in our societies that require research and investigation in Treasures of our great heritage to put appropriate solutions to it.

Keywords: The Minerals of Men, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, The Neighboring, The Traveler.

Qassem Saleh Ali AL-ANI, Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence, University of Anbar – Iraq

تقييم المستخدمون: 5 ( 1 أصوات)

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