أثر الخدمات الالكترونية على رضا العملاء في KÜVET TTURK
This study aims to examine the impact of electronic services on customer satisfaction in Kuwait Turk Bank KÜVET TTURK. The results indicated a positive and significant relationship between the quality of electronic services and customer satisfaction, highlighting the importance of aspects such as the quality of electronic communication, security, and privacy. The study also emphasized the significance of user experience and continuous improvement in enhancing customer satisfaction. Based on these findings, the study recommends enhancing the quality of communication, strengthening security policies, and improving the user experience and ongoing improvements in electronic services.
Keywords: Electronic Services, Customer Satisfaction, Kuwait Turk Bank KÜVET TTURK, Quality of Service, Electronic Communication, Security and Privacy, User Experience, Continuous Improvement, Recommendations, Impact
Emel HACI ALİ, Master of Business Administration, Mardin University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration – TÜRKİYE
Lidya IBRAHIM, Master of Business Administration, Mardin University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Business Administration – TÜRKİYE