أخبار عاجلة

The Electronic Signature as a proof of Evidence and the Scope of its Application – Comparative study

ميزان تفاوت حجية التوقيع الإلكتروني ونطاق تطبيقه-  دراسة مقارنة –

The world has witnessed steady changes and development at all levels, especially in the technological and innovation fields. Accordingly, the world has become a small village, thanks to the considerable advances of the means of communication, which transmit the information, with high accuracy and at record levels of speed. This prompted keeping pace with these media advances and its organization, in line with the new changes, in that it had (i.e. the advance of the means of communication) urged the carrying out of several daily transactions, through electronic media, with the spread of electronic commerce. These transactions did not see the light prior to the aforementioned advances. A matter that led many countries to intervene, with a view to regulating this new environment, on the one hand, and protecting the dealers with these media, on the other hand. And that through recognizing the authenticity (proof of evidence) of electronic signatures, exactly like their traditional handwritten counterparts, which is what countries throughout the world have consecrated and elevated to the status of being considered an approved proof of evidence.

Keywords: Electronic Signature, Secure and Simple Signature, Exceptions of Signature, Evidentiary Authenticity.

Mohamed NASSERI, Jurisprundential and legislative Comparisons, PhD researchers at the University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah Fez – MOROCCO

Walae LOUDIYI, Human rights in shariaa and law, PhD researchers at the University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah Fez – MOROCCO

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