أخبار عاجلة

The degree to which technical programs are tailored to meet the needs of the Palestinian labor market (Case Study of Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie)

درجة مواءمة البرامج التقنية في تلبية احتياجات سوق العمل في فلسطين (دراسة حالة جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري)

The current study aimed to identify the degree to which technical programs are tailored to meet the needs of the Palestinian labor market, and to identify the impact of the variables of gender, faculty, academic level, and the status of the student (graduated or not yet). To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers developed a questionnaire which consisted of (38) items divided into three areas: harmonization, program content, competence and skill. The validity and reliability of the research instrument were verified. The sample of the study consisted of (142) students from the Palestine Technical University (Kadoorie) who graduated or about to graduate. The study used the descriptive approach. The study results showed that the scores of the study fields and the overall degree were moderate. The study results also showed that there were significant differences in the degree of harmonization of the technical programs due to the variable of the student’s status in favour of the current-semester graduate in the areas of program content, competence, skill and the overall score. However, there were no significant differences in terms of the variables of gender, faculty, and academic level. The study recommended that the curricula of technical programs should be tailored to develop the students’ professional competencies, and that the technical programs should be tailored to suit the needs of society and the jobs.

Keywords: harmonization, technical programs, job market.

Dr. Rabie OTEER, Assistant Professor, AL-Ummah University College -­ Jerusalem – PALESINTE

Ayman AL-GHALAYINI, Head of Student Affairs Department, AL-Ummah University College – Jerusalem – PALESINTE

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