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The degree of Facebook use and its relationship to some variables

A field study among students of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University

درجة استخدام الفيس بوك وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات – دراسة ميدانية لدى طلبة جامعة الحسين بن طلال

Social networking sites, especially Facebook, witnessed an increasing demand by the various segments of society during the year 2011, which was known as the year of the “Arab Spring”, in order to follow the news and successive developments in the Arab region and the world. Hence, this study came to identify the uses of Facebook by students in Jordanian universities, the motives of these uses, and the gratifications achieved from them. This study is classified as a descriptive and analytical research, and the researcher resorted to the survey method, where the audience of users of the Facebook site from Jordanian university students was studied, through a form consisting of (38) questions that were distributed to the study sample of the respondents. The study sample consisted of (439) male and female students from Al-Hussein Bin Talal University from various disciplines. The study concluded that Jordan was in the second place in terms of female participation with a rate of (42%) and male participation was (58%), who have a personal account on Facebook, and that the motives represented in staying in touch with old and new friends, enjoying, entertaining and occupying Leisure, increase knowledge and keep up to date with the latest local developments.

Keywords: Facebook, Social Networking, University Youth.

Dr. Haya Mohammad ALHELALAT, Part-time lecturer – Al-Hussein Bin Talal University-JORDAN

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