أخبار عاجلة

Pragmatic Personal dexis in Ibn Shuhaid al-Andalusi’s Risalat al-Tawabi’ wa z-Zawabi’

İbn Şüheyd el-Endelüsî’nin (Tevâbi‘ ve Zevâbi) Risâlesinde Edimbilimsel Kişi Gösterimleri

تداولية الإشاريات الشخصية في رسالة التوابع والزوابع لابن شهيد الأندلسي

This study deals with the topic of personal dexisin Ibn Shuhaid al-Andalusi’s Risalat al-Tawabi’ wa-Zawabi، in the framework of the Pragmatic approach. The analysis of this type of dexisfocuses on their usage nature، as they are not just linguistic signs aimed at identifying a specific reference، but rather an effective communicative tool that reflects changing contextual connotations that differ according to the speakers’ intentions and their roles in the discourse، and works to help the reader in the process of understanding and interpretation.

Keywords: Pragmatics، Personal Dexis، Risalat al-Tawabi’ wa z-Zawabi، Ibn Shuhaid.

Ayat ALKHLIF, PHD Student, Department of Arabic Language and Rhetoric, Erciyes University

Prof. Dr. Kadir KINAR, Erciyes Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi- Temel İslam Bilimleri, Arap Dili Ve Belagatı – TÜRKİYE

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