Afghanistan’s war against the Soviet Union was a turning point in its recent history. because it was crucial from a strategic standpoint for the Russians to seize control of Afghanistan. Due to communication between the leaders of the Communist parties at the time, each Afghan government’s ineffective policies were changed as a result of their financial and military backing. Afghanistan is a warrior nation that has always chosen death over life and freed its land from foreign domination. They have never accepted the yoke of their own. All nations viewed the Afghan people’s resistance against communism in this unfair conflict as a form of suicide, but afterwards, both the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds as well as the Asis seemed unbelievable. It took almost 9 years to win the war against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Soviet Union is urged to continue supporting the Communist Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in its fight against Mujahideen forces and foreign Arab volunteers. The Red Army entered Afghanistan in 1979 as directed by Soviet commander Brezhnev, but they ultimately failed under Gorbachev. They fled Afghanistan in 1367 AH, according to 1988 AD. Russians, with their financial and military capacity, could not retain their independent government in Afghanistan. As a result of a decade of resistance, the Afghan people’s victory, and the Soviet army’s loss in Afghanistan, this was happening as the Afghan people fought to retain their nation’s independence and territorial integrity. This article aims to discuss these forces’ potential and resistance from 1979 to 1989. The article’s main hypothesis is that resistance against the Soviets by local Afghan Jihadi forces, who served as the main foundation of defense and resistance in defeating and driving Soviets out of Afghanistan, can be investigated.
Keywords: Soviet Union, The United States of America, Jihadi Forces, Afghans, Jihadi Parties.
Khobaib NOORI
Teacher in Department of History, Faculty of Education, Al-Beroni University, Kapisa – AFGHANISTAN