معالجة اللغة الطبيعية
المحلل الصرفي لاِسـتخراج أفعال القول ودلالاتها مـن النّــصـوص العــربيّـــة آليًّا
” الفعل (أوحى) في الآيات القرآنيّة أُنموذجًا “
Language is the base of the human’s thought, and the expression of the extent of his development, through which he perceives his surroundings, and without it he cannot communicate with others, and as much as it grows, he elevates it. And because man is a being who always searches for development in all areas of his life, he had to consider developing his language, which has a lot of credit for him. The research paper presented by the researcher under the title “The morphological analyzer to extract the verbs of saying and their connotations” aims to extract the verbs of saying and their connotations from the Arabic texts, which will be used later in determining the morphological and grammatical structure of the Arabic sentence. The work in this research is to create algorithms that detect verbal verbs and determine their roots or conjugations with their associated antecedents, suffixes, and semantics.
The semantic here comes to the verb according to the context of the sentence, and the researcher used the programming language (C#.net) within the program (Visual Studio) to create the aforementioned semantic morphological parser.
The way this parser works is based on performing a complete scanning of the text after writing it in the special box or entering a file in one of the formats (Word, Pdf, txt), taking into account that every word present in the different formats is a verb of “saying” until the opposite is proven, and it matches it with the roots of verbs and their conjugation in the three tenses (past, present, and imperative) stored in a database connected to the program.
Language is the base of the human’s thought, and the expression of the extent of his development, through which he perceives his surroundings, and without it he cannot communicate with others, and as much as it grows, he elevates it.
And because man is a being who always searches for development in all areas of his life, he had to consider developing his language, which has a lot of credit for him.
The research paper presented by the researcher under the title “The morphological analyzer to extract the verbs of saying and their connotations” aims to extract the verbs of saying and their connotations from the Arabic texts, which will be used later in determining the morphological and grammatical structure of the Arabic sentence. The work in this research is to create algorithms that detect verbal verbs and determine their roots or conjugations with their associated antecedents, suffixes, and semantics.
Keywords: Morphological Analyzer, Algorithm, Verb form, Suffixes and Prefixes, Natural language, Language processing, Indication.
Ahmad Tarek ZAKARIA, Doctoral student at Jinan University – Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Tripoli – LEBANON
Omar EL KOUSSA, Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Lebanese University, AUL University, Jinan University, Tripoli, LEBANON
Ziad EL HAJJ, Faculty of Education, Lebanese University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Jinan University – LEBANON