دراسة تحليلية لمخطوط الأربعين حديثًا لجمال الدين إسحاق القرماني
This research aims to introduce one of the scholars of the tenth century AH, Sheikh Jamal al-Din Ishaq al-Qurmani, and attribute it to the Emirate of Bani Qurman, one of the largest Turkmen emirates in Anatolia. In which a constellation of scholars who contributed to enriching the intellectual and cognitive aspect of their Islamic nation, Al-Qurmani left us various books in the various arts of science attesting to its scientific status, including an interpretation from Surat Al-Mujadila to the end of the Qur’an, and a footnote on the interpretation of Al-Baydawi, which are two manuscripts, and he has two printed books (A Treatise on the Phases of Behavior), and the book (Disciples in Exchange), in addition to a manuscript (Explanation of the Forty Hadith), which is the subject of this study, which adopted the descriptive analytical approach in extrapolating the hadiths of the Prophet collected by Al-Qurmani In his manuscript, then analyzed and explained the reason for choosing, and for that the study was divided into two sections, the first of which was related directly to the book, such as talking about the life of its author and its scientific effects, and his approach to writing the book and the sources of his culture, which he relied on from the book, the Sunnah and the sayings of scholars, while the second section was limited to presenting models of these forty hadiths and the statement of their topics, contents and general features, then we concluded the study with results that showed the value of this scientific manuscript and highlighted the privacy of the hadiths selected in it and the ability of its author to collect them in One book.
Keywords: Al-Qarmani, Prophetic Hadith, the forty hadiths, Narration, Choices.
Abdullah MAJEED Abdullah AL-ATTAR, Yüksek lisans öğrencisi, Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, İstanbul – TÜRKİYE