أخبار عاجلة

العدد السادس والثلاثون

Benefits of Bismillah and its necessity

فوائد البسملة وضرورتها This research highlights a topic that all affairs and Muslims need urgently, which is the necessity of the basmalah and its benefits, its translation and interpretation, how to name and what is the name for, For it is for obtaining the blessing in the name of God …

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Sunni Divorce and İts Legal Purposes

Sünni Boşanma ve Şer’i Maksatları الطلاق السّني ومقاصده الشرعية This research aims to clarify the concept of Sunni and heretical divorce, and to clarify the most correct opinion among the sayings of scholars and the implications of that. Then we touched on some issues related to divorce and its consequences, …

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The Role of Ibn Hibban Al-Busti in the Development of Hadith Sciences and Islamic Civilization

دور ابن حبان البُستي في تطوير علوم الحديث والحضارة الإسلامية This is a brief article about the personality and scientific dimensions of the scholar, hafiz, imam and Afghan hadith scholar Ibn Hibban al-Busti, in order to honor his scholarly personality and his role in serving and developing the sciences of …

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The utilization of Ibn Qutaybah’s linguistic culture and the concept of “Gharib al-Hadith” (Strange Expressions in Hadith) in his book “Tawil Mukhtalif al-Hadith” (Interpretation of Diverse Hadiths)

توظيف ابن قتيبة لثقافته اللغوية ولغريب الحديث في كتابه (تَأويلُ مُختلف الحديث) The field of linguistics witnessed a clear renaissance in the 13th century, as scholars from Basra and Kufa competed in the areas of grammar and language. They authored books that aimed to avoid mixing formal language with colloquial …

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Reform milestones in Al-Aqsa Morocco Abu Zeid Abd Al-Rahman Al-Nativi (T: 1385 AH/1966) model

معالم الإصلاح بالمغرب الأقصى أبو زيد عبد الرحمن النتيفي (ت: 1385هـ/1966م) أنموذجا This research revolves around the statement of the reform and advocacy efforts of the world reformer Abu Zeid Abdel-Rahman Al-Nativi Al-Bifi Al-Ja ‘afari, by studying his scientific and practical curriculum, highlighting the most important features of intellectual renewal …

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Interpretative reading approaches to Arab modernists

Arap Modernistlerin Yorumlayıcı Okuma Girişleri مداخل القراءة التفسيرية عند الحداثيين العرب Modernitenin kökeninin Batı medeniyetindeki felsefelerin ve akımların etkileşiminden kaynaklandığını belirtiyor. Arap modernistler, Batı modernitesinden ve onu etkileyerek üstün bir medeniyet olarak kabul etmiş ve İslam mirasını yabancı Batı araçlarıyla yeniden okumak istemişlerdir. Bununla birlikte, İlami ilimleri ve hareketlerini reddetmişlerdir. …

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The impact of recruitment techniques on employee performance

(An applied study on workers in the Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Basra – Iraq أثر تقنيات التوظيف على أداء العاملين (دراسة تطبيقية على العاملين في كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد جامعة البصرة – العراق) This study aimed to find out the impact of recruitment techniques on the performance of …

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Technological development and media adoption in the field of education and learning

التطور التكنولوجي واعتماد الوسائط في مجال التعليم والتعلم The media system, within technological inventions that serve communication, which modern education aspires to across the world, is to emphasize the division of labor among the various communication media available at a specific time and place, from printing to computer and the …

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Future studies and its reflections in political science

دراسات المستقبل وانعكاساته في العلوم السياسية We are all aware of the feature of our current era, which is the rapid change, the most important of which is the tremendous development in technological progress and the communications revolution, and when talking about international relations and political science in general, we …

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FUTURE VISION OF SEMI-URBAN FARMS السياحة الزراعية في الجبل الأخضر رؤية تنموية للمناطق شبه الحضرية Agritourism has been studied in various ways and contexts. It can be argued, however, that studies have yet to provide a clear and basic understanding of the characteristics that underpin and define agritourism. Therefore, this …

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