أخبار عاجلة

The Role of Ibn Hibban Al-Busti in the Development of Hadith Sciences and Islamic Civilization

دور ابن حبان البُستي في تطوير علوم الحديث والحضارة الإسلامية

This is a brief article about the personality and scientific dimensions of the scholar, hafiz, imam and Afghan hadith scholar Ibn Hibban al-Busti, in order to honor his scholarly personality and his role in serving and developing the sciences of hadith and the richness of Islamic civilization. He is among the most prominent personalities that Afghanistan has witnessed so far in the Afghan society.

He was well versed in a number of sciences and arts and left his useful works as scientific works and cultural heritage for the youth of the Islamic nation.

Among the valuable and wonderful services that he left to the nation are his books and compilations on the science of hadith, its origins, the science of Al-Jarh and attribution, and knowing the narrators of hadith.

And the scholar Ibn Hibban Al-Basti had the upper hand in the science of hadith, its origins, and the science of men, and they created great honor for Islamic civilization, especially for our beloved country- Afghanistan.

Keywords: Heritage, Cultural, Civilization, Islamic, Al-Jarh, Modification, Development and Value.

Abdul qahar SAMIM, Faculty of Sharia, Department of Islamic culture, Albironi University Kapisa province – AFGHANISTAN

Muhammad Shoib HASHEMI, Faculty of Sharia, Department of Islamic culture Albironi University Kapisa province – AFGHANISTAN

تقييم المستخدمون: 2.6 ( 1 أصوات)

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