أخبار عاجلة

Allal El Fassi: The open-minded Salafist, the conservative liberal and the bet of marrying heritage and modernity

علال الفاسي: السلفي المنفتح والليبرالي المحافظ ورهان المزاوجة بين الموروث والحداثة

This study examines the research and analysis of the reformist and Salafi thinker Allal El Fassi, one of the great pioneers of reformist thought in Morocco and the Islamic world, one of the most prominent leaders of the Moroccan national movement, and among the most influential political and intellectual figures in Morocco during the twentieth century. Allal El Fassi contributed to the development of a reformist discourse that calls for the modernization of society and its liberation from heresies and superstitions, openness to Western culture, and the quotation of everything that does not contradict the values of the true Islamic religion. Through this research, we will try to reveal the most important features that distinguished the intellectual premises in Allal El Fassi’s project and dig up his vision of the determinants of the relationship with the West, as well as how he was able to balance between an open Salafi thought and a conservative liberal thought, with the difficulty and sometimes even impossible task of creating rapprochement between the two thoughts, in addition to raising the challenge of marrying the change of the mentality of the Moroccan citizen and the resistance of the colonizer. The research relied on the descriptive analytical method.

Keywords: Allal El Fassi, Reform project, Thought, Salafist, Freedom, Modernity.

Dr. Mohamed AKOUIASS, Laboratory of Islamic Studies and Community Development, Choaib Doukkali University – MOROCCO

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