أخبار عاجلة

مصطلحات علم الأجنة بين القرآن الكريم والطب الحديث Teminology of Embryology between the Holy Quran and Modern MEDICINE

My research is titled “Embryological Terms in the Quran, Hadith, and Modern Medicine,” in which I aimed to Qur’ anize scientific terms to familiarize our researchers with terminology derived from heritage, especially the Quran, the Prophetic traditions, and the Arabic linguistic dictionaries, all in a language rooted in Arab identity and belonging. I compared between Quranic embryological terms -based on their occurrence within Quranic contexts, as well as references to them in the Hadith and their linguistic meanings- and the scientific findings about the stages of an embryo’s development. Quranic embryological terms, -in their chronological order: firm lodging (Karar Makin), sperm-drop (Nutfah), clinging clot (A’laqah), lump of flesh (Mudghah), the creation of bones, covering bones with flesh, and finally another creation—surpass the descriptions provided by today’s embryologists in terms of both meaning and concept.

I divided my research into an introduction, three main sections and a conclusion. In the introduction, I defined the subject of my research, its significance, the motivation behind it, and its objectives.

In the first section, I identified embryological terms in the Quran and Hadith that represent the stages of fetal development with remarkable precision in both timing and formation. I then provided a historical overview of the field of embryology, its emergence, and what ancient and contemporary embryologists have discovered, comparing these findings to the Quranic descriptions. First, God described the womb as a “firm lodging”(Karar Makin) that receives the fertilized “sperm-drop”(Nutfah), which then clings to the womb (A’laqah) and transforms into a “lump”(Mudghah), some formed and some unformed. In the second section, I described the stages of “sperm-drop” (Nutfah), “clinging clot”(A´laqah), and “lump”(Mudghah). I then explained how the fluid from the man mixes with the fluid from the woman, forming the “fertilized sperm-drop”(Nutfah Amshaj), and discussed the instances where this is mentioned in the Quran or explained in the Hadith. In addition, I compared it with the linguistic meaning and the findings of modern embryologists. I also described the term “clinging clot”(A’laqah), how it aligns with its meaning of attachment to the uterine wall, and how it absorbs blood, encompassing both the external appearance of the embryo, resembling a hanging leech, and the internal processes, such as the formation of blood and closed vessels. The term “lump”(mudghah) is no less remarkable, it refers to a piece of flesh chewed by teeth and then spat out, which is the most accurate and precise description of this stage. In the third section, I covered the stage of the creation of the soul, where the bones and flesh journey begins. The “lump”(mudghah) transforms into a skeletal structure, with bones forming before muscles, which then cover the bones, exactly as mentioned in the Quran.The next stage is shaping, leveling, and adjusting, in accordance with God’s words: “Who created you, fashioned you, and balanced you”(Al-Infitar, 7). Finally, the fetal journey in the womb ends with “another creation” the period following leveling, during which the genital organs of a male or female become distinct.

Thus, the embryological terms in the Quran and Hadith, in their linguistic, descriptive, and conceptual meanings, align with the scientific facts of modern embryology. There are no more words to say other than: “So blessed be Allah, the best of creators” (Al-Mu’minun, 14). Finally, I concluded with the key findings of this research, and I hope my humble work be accepted by Almighty Allah.

I also extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed in one way or another to enriching this research scientifically, until it reached this final form.

Keywords: Scientific term, Miracle, Embryo, Lexicon, Morphology, Scales.

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