أخبار عاجلة

The Shariah Foundations of the Theory of Supply and Demand in Islamic Economics and its Shariah Principles

التأصيل الشرعي لنظرية العرض والطلب في الاقتصاد الإسلامي وضوابطها الشرعية

The legal grounding of the theory of supply and demand is an important topic for economists and social scientists who seek to analyze market developments and determine the balance between supply and demand in light of Islamic law. This research aims to study the concepts of supply and demand from an Islamic perspective and explore how they align with Islamic ethical and economic principles.

Firstly, the research discusses the concepts of supply and demand and how prices and quantities of products and services are determined in the market. The study also covers factors that influence supply and demand, such as technological changes, expenses, demographic shifts, and political and economic events.

Next, the research examines relevant Islamic principles concerning economics and trade, such as justice, equality, and the distinction between permissible (halal) and prohibited (haram) trade. It also explores the ethics related to trade and financial transactions and how they can be applied to the theory of supply and demand.

The research then attempts to clarify the extent of compatibility between the theory of supply and demand and Islamic values and principles, identifying any contradictions or challenges that need to be addressed. It also discusses points that can be developed to improve the alignment of this theory with Islamic law.

In conclusion, the research presents the main findings and provides recommendations to scholars and economists on how to integrate the concepts of supply and demand in a manner compatible with Islamic law and its values. The study emphasizes the importance of continuing research and studies in this field to achieve further development.

Keywords: Supply, Demand, Economic System, Theory, Islamic, Capitalist, Socialist.

Asaad Kamal Mohammed ALHASHMI, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Hukuk Bilimleri Profesörü, Öğretim Üyesi, Marin Artuklu Üniversitesi – TÜRKİYE

تقييم المستخدمون: 0.54 ( 1 أصوات)

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