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The role of the story in developing oral expression skills in the Moroccan school as a model for the fifth grader

دور القصة في تنمية مهارات التعبير الشفوي في المدرسة المغربية أنموذجا

لدى متعلم الصف الخامس الابتدائي

The study aimed to identify the role of the story in developing oral expression skills in the Moroccan school as a model for the fifth-grade learner, and to achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive approach. Preparing a form addressed to the teachers of the fifth grade of primary school. The study reached the following results:

1- The first hypothesis sought to study the extent to which there is a positive relationship between the level of academic achievement in the Arabic language and the extent of mastery of oral expression skills among fifth-grade students. level of academic achievement.

2- The second hypothesis sought to test the relationship between speaking skills and the narrative text, in the sense that interest in the narrative text makes studying, reading, and reproducing an effective means for developing speaking skills in particular and oral expression in general, and accordingly, the hypothesis was eminently confirmed in this field.

3- The third hypothesis, as an extension and development of the first and second hypotheses, sought to confirm the existence of a relationship between improving students’ oral performance and employing the narrative text. Indeed, the results concluded that there is this positive relationship that makes dealing with the narrative text, studying it and exploiting it an important way to develop the student’s oral performance, with the use of didactic and pedagogical means appropriate to achieve this goal.

Keywords: Story, Oral Expression Skills, Fifth Grade Students, Moroccan School.

Hazem H. H. QESHTA, PhD student, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, University of Sultan Moulay Slimane Beni Mellal – MOROCCO

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