أخبار عاجلة

The effect of intention on faith and its applied models

أثر النية فی الأيمان و نماذجها التطبيقية

This scholarly article examines the intention, its importance and its impact on worship and transactions, especially in faith, as it is the radar of the Muslim heart that directs it either to good or to evil. It is the course of a Muslim’s work and the standard for controlling legitimate acts of worship and transactions. Either it corrects the legitimate action, or it invalidates it and cancels its effects. And it is the cause of the hereafter reward for the work, either it is a cause of reward and the attainment of the eternal paradise, the nickname of jihad, the love of the believers and the purity of the heart, or it is a cause of punishment such as grudge, envy and hatred, or hypocrisy, fame and reputation.

Whoever has a good intention, and his heart is correct, he will attain credit, victory, and goodness in this world and the Hereafter, and whoever has a bad intention, and his heart is corrupted, by loss and evil, and betrayal in this world and the Hereafter. The fact that the oath is in God Almighty is considered the intention in it is the intention of the swearing if he was wronged, otherwise the intention of the sworn is considered according to Abu Hanifa and Muhammad, and Al-Khasaf considers the intention of the swearer to be judged, unjust if the swearer was unjust or wronged. The fact that the oath of divorce and manumission and so on is considered the intention of the swearing if he did not intend to disagree with the apparent unjust or wronged.

Keywords: Faith, Intention, Effect, Transactions.

Atahullah NAEEMI, Associate Professor, Member of the academic staff, Islamic Culture Department, Faculty of Sharia, Nangarhar University – AFGHANISTAN

Jan Mohammad MAOOND, Lecturer Professor, Member of the academic staff, Islamic Culture Department Faculty of Sharia Syed Jamaluddin Afghan University – AFGHANISTAN

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.29 ( 2 أصوات)

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