أخبار عاجلة

The book of “Akhbar Al-Ubaid Kings and Their Biography” by bin Hammad (d. about 628 AH / 1230 AD) – Critical Study

كتاب “أخبار ملوك بني عبيد وسيرتهم” لابن حماد (ت نحو 628هـ/1230م) – دراسة نقدية

Islamic history has never known such confusion about the establishment of a state and its functioning as the state of the Banu Ubaid, or the so-called Fatimid state. One of the first to write about the Ubaid state was the judge, historian, jurist, and writer Ibn Hammad al-Sanhaji al-Maghribi (d. about 628 AH/1230 AD). His book, called (The News of the Kings of Banu Ubaid and Their Biography), remained in manuscript form for several centuries, and it did not see the light and be circulated by people until less than forty-five years ago after it was completed and published. The aim of conducting this study can be summed up in two things: first: introducing the book of Ibn Hammad, especially since many academic researchers and those interested in history have not heard of it, or heard of it but did not have the opportunity to read it, and second: enlightening the reader and making him aware of what the book contains – along with unfortunately, there are many historical errors and a clear lack of information. In the same approach as Ibn Hammad in his classification of the book according to the fourteen kings of Banu Ubaid, the researcher will follow the author’s trace in this study, which will enable him to clarify the inaccuracies and gaps surrounding the translation of each of them. The study concluded that the book – despite its historical status – does not contain anything that satisfies the poor or cures the sick from the news of the Banu Ubaid. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the sources – written and oral – that the author relied on were not sufficient at all to monitor news of their kings. Although the author did not express his position towards the Ubaid state in clear terms, this does not prevent us from saying that he had some inclination toward it. You will find him confirming their lineage to the House of Prophethood without evidence. Moreover, he does not mention any of the faults and ugliness of its kings, and he slanders its opponents. The research adopted the analytical method.

Keywords: Bin Hammad, Akhbar Al-Ubaid Kings and Their Biography, Ubaid state, History, Book.

Khalid AbdALLAH AL SAID, Doctoral student, Department of History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, King Saud University – Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

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