الضَّوابِط الشَّرعيَّة في توزيع القوى بين السُّلطات العامة في المجتمع
The distribution of powers between authorities is one of the theories that are almost agreed upon by public policies in societies. And am not referring to any specific Governmental authorities, western or eastern, or to any of those who Started in developing the idea, or implementing it, because that is another topic. So, the research deals with the issue of distribution of forces as it is a product of a human effort that needs legal Shariah control by correcting the imbalance in it. So accordingly, the study contains two topics: first topic deals with the meaning of distribution of power between the authorities, and the society’s need for it to grow, and the second topic: Shariah Standers in distributing on the power among the public authorities in society
Keywords: Separation of Powers, The Three Power
Dr. Anfal AL JERI, Professor – Jordanian University