أخبار عاجلة

Prof. Dr. Huseyin Hansu, Mutawatir Account: Scientific Significance and Status in Islamic Thought, Van: Bilge Adamlar Puplications, 2008, 214 p.

مراجعة لكتاب: “الخبر المتواتر، قيمته العلمية ومكانته في الفكر الإسلامي”

لمؤلفه الأستاذ الدكتور: حسين هان سو

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hansu, MÜTEVATİR HABER Bilgi Değeri ve İslam Düşüncesindeki Yeri, Van: Bilgeadamlar Yayınları, 2008, 214 s.

Such fundamental studies are of great importance. A Mutawatir account is a basic term, and it is necessary to correctly understand its origin and emergence. In his book, the author aims to launch a discussion about the location of the Mutawatir account in Islamic sciences, bearing in mind theology, logic, readings of the Quran Noble and Hadith.

            It also aims to re-examine the theoretical aspect of this term, as the practical side has been deeply explored. In addition, this book draws attention to the term again, after the studies focused on all aspects related to the Ahaad account.

            The present study elaborates on the objective reasons for the difference in the meaning of this term from one science to another, and from one era to another, as well as its impact on dialogue between Islamic sects, and on dialogue with people of other religions.

Keywords: Mutawatir, Islamic Thought, Account, Ahaad, Hussein Han Su.

Dr. Huzeyfe ELHATIB, Assistant Professor of Hadith and its Sciences, Hadith Department Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Mardin University – TÜRKİYE

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