أخبار عاجلة

Patterns of poetic image in the poetry of the poet Dr. Majid Abd Al-Hamid Al Naji

أنماط الصورة الشعرية في ديوان الشاعر الدكتور مجيد عبد الحميد ال ناجي

The poet Dr. Majid Abdul Hamid Naji is considered one of the contemporary poets in Iraq. Patterns of the poetic image in both its sensory and mental forms have emerged in his printed collection, and it has come with shifts that evoke new worlds in the recipient’s mind and open through the images mental spaces that move the feeling. The metaphysics of things, and the tampering of suggestion and hidden indication is more than the statement and clarification.

Keywords: Poetic image, Poetic Image Patterns, Mental Image, Sensory Image.

Ali Talib Hashem, Teacher in Karbala education, Master’s Student, Faculty of Education for Humanities, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Literature Branch, University of Karbala – IRAQ

A.P.D Muhammad Abdul Rasoul Jassim AL-SAADI, Faculty of Education for Humanities, Department of Arabic Language, University of Karbala – IRAQ

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