أخبار عاجلة

العدد التاسع والأربعون

The Excellent Guidelines for Preferring between Qiyas and Istihsan and Their Jurisprudential Impact on the Hanafi School – An Inductive Analytical Study –

الضوابط الحسان في الترجيح بين القياس والاستحسان وأثرها الفقهي على مذهب النعمان – دراسة استقرائية تحليلية – The preference between qiyas (analogical reasoning) and istihsan (juristic preference) is considered one of the most important principles of Islamic jurisprudence upon which the Hanafi school has largely been built. The well-known rule …

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The Aspects of Knowledge Integration in 4th Century BC Philosophers: Aristotle as à Model

معالم التكامل المعرفي عند فلاسفة القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد أرسطو طاليس نموذجا Philosophy, in its comprehensive and profound sense, has played a pivotal role in establishing the intellectual structure in the journey of human civilization. Aristotle stands out as a unique model embodying this knowledge integration. His philosophy was not …

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Human relations and its impact on job performance A field study on a sample of administrative employees in the Al-Wahy Al-Sharif Schools chain in Idlib

العلاقات الإنسانية وأثرها على الأداء الوظيفيدراسة ميدانية على عينة من الموظفين الإداريين في سلسلة مدارس الوحي الشريف في إدلب The aim of this research is to try to identify the extent of the impact of consultation on the performance of administrative employees and to know the extent of the impact …

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Qatada Al-Sadousi, the Interpreter between Slander and Fairness

قتادة السدوسي المفسر بين الإنصاف والافتراء This study attempts to draw attention to one of the important commentators of the followers, a contemporary or traditional thinker who cannot ignore his sayings in interpretation and has his own interpretation (missing). No one bothered to find his way of interpretation. This research …

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Ebu’L-Atâhıyye’nin Şiirinde Ayet ve Hadis İzleri

Abbasi Dönemi’nde yaşamış bir şair olan Ebu’l-Atâhiyye, şiir yazmaya gazel ile başlamıştır. Daha sonra zühde yönelen ve böyle bir hayat tarzını tercih eden şair, edebiyat hayatını da buna bağlı olarak değiştirmiştir. Sonrasında ise tamamen gazel yazmayı bırakıp zühdiyyat denilen tarzda şiirler kaleme almıştır. Zühd ile beraber hayatında oluşturmaya çalıştığı sadeliği, …

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Literature is an emotional medium of social message

Literature, which, by its intrinsic nature, can transform the status of societies it, can also play a constructive and key role in providing peace in the community. Literary forms (poetry and prose) can convey the message of the poet and the author to the community in such a way as …

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The Syntactic and Rhetorical Aspects of the Coordinative Sentence in the Holy Quran – A Study in Surah Al-Mulk –

الجوانب النحوية والبلاغية لجملة الصلة في القرآن الكريم– دراسة في سُورة الملك – This research aims to analyze the phrase conjunctive link nominal literal statement of grammatical and rhetorical aspects of the impact on the meaning of the verses in the Koran, through the definition by name connected and statement …

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Legal provisions regarding the supervision and hosting of minors in jurisprudence and law

الأحكام الشرعية المتعلقة بمشـــاهــــــدة الصغير واستضافته في الفقه والقانون The study aimed to emphasize the importance of observing and hosting minors in ensuring their protection, care, and well-being to prevent harm or injury. It also outlined the legal provisions governing these actions. The study consisted of two sections, each addressing …

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Waqf and Its Impact on Supporting and Developing Islamic Education and Its Contemporary Applications

الوقف وأثره في دعم وتطوير التعليم الشرعي وتطبيقاته المعاصرة The waqf (endowment) has been a major funding source for educational projects since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and continues to be so in various forms across different eras and regions. Given the importance of waqf …

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