أبرز الجهات الحکومية المعاصرة التي تقوم بأعمال الحسبة Accountability (hisbah) has great importance in the process of reform and change, and it has significant effects in strengthening the Basis of the state. It is important to familiarize ourselves with the prominent government entities that are involved in accountability in our …
أكمل القراءة »The manners and duties of students in the academic environment from the perspective of Islamic Sharia
آداب و واجبات الطلاب في البیئة الاکادیمیه من منظور الشریعة الاسلامیة Students, as the young and educated segment of the society, should observe moral virtues such as sincerity of intention, piety, respect for the rights of professors and other people in the academic environment, attention to scientific and academic duties, …
أكمل القراءة »Shaping Ambiguous Existence in Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin
This study aims to offer a postcolonial reading of Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin through the notions of Homi Bhabha’s ”unhomeliness” and Edward Said’s ”between worlds”. It probes deep into the diasporic experience that Palestinians are thrown into due to the ongoing Palestinian- Israeli conflict, feeling displaced in their own stolen …
أكمل القراءة »Verses of “the call” in the Holy Qur’an, the call between the messengers and their people, verse 64 of Al Imran as an example – a linguistic and rhetorical study-
Kur’an-ı Kerim’deki “ çağrı ” ayetleri, elçilerle kavimleri arasındaki çağrı, örnek olarak Al-i İmran suresinin 64. ayeti, -dil ve belagat çalışması- آيات النداء في القرآن الكريم، النداء بين الرسل وأقوامهم، الآية 64 من آل عمران أنموذجاً – دراسة لغوية بلاغية – The methods of discourse and communication among humans vary, …
أكمل القراءة »The Proverb in the holy qur’an and the scholars’ division of it – a theoretical analytical –
Kur’an-I Kerim’de Geçen Darb-I Meseller Ve Âlimlerin Bu Darb-I Mesellere Yapmış Oldukları Taksim, Teorik Ve Analitik Bir Çalışma مضرب الـمثل في القرآن الكريم وتقسيم العلماء له، دراسة نظرية تحليلية Quranic proverbs are of great importance in realizing what is hidden from sight and hearing, and through them, we can realize …
أكمل القراءة »Order structural of the Holy Quran surahs – text study – Surat AL-fil, AL-kafirun and altahrim
الانشاء الطلبي في رحاب القرآن الكريم – دراسة نصية – سورة الفيل والكافرون والتحريم انموذجاً This research deals with the structural openings of the order of the Holy Qur’an, and I have dealt in my study with a topic of the structural order which is: (order, interrogative, and call). The …
أكمل القراءة »The ruling on the marriage of those who have cursed each other after their separation due to the curse Jurisprudential (Fiqh-related) study
حكم زواج المتلاعنين بعد انفصالهما بمقتضى الملاعنة – دراسة فقهية مقارنة This research aims to explain the ruling on the marriage of individuals who have invoked mutual curses after their separation as a result of the mutual cursing that occurred between them, and to elaborate on the opinions of scholars …
أكمل القراءة »Hadisçilerdeki Tahric sanatı – İmam Ayni Örneği –
الصناعة التخريجيّة عند المُحَدِّثين، – الإمام العينيّ أنموذجًا – This research encompasses an art from the arts of the science of hadith, known as the art of authentication (Takhrij). This art has rules and regulations that must be observed. Otherwise, those who deviate from them are susceptible to criticism and …
أكمل القراءة »Research and Compilation of Narrations and Influential Works in the Arabic Sermons of Friday Prayers in Taloqan City- Takhar
تحقيق وتخريج الأحاديث والآثار المتداولة في الخطب العربية في صلاة الجمعة بمدينة طالقان ولاية تخار Taloqan, the capital of Takhar province, is located in the northeastern part of Afghanistan and has 275 grand mosques (Masjid Jaami). On Fridays, which are considered a minor Eid (Muslim holiday), worshippers gather in these …
أكمل القراءة »The rule of contracting in the light of Islamic jurisprudence and Afghan civil law
حكم المقاولة في ضوء الفقه الإسلامي والقانون المدني الأفغاني This is a brief article on the rule of contracting in the light of Islamic jurisprudence and law. And afghani civil rules. it includes these aspects an abstract, body copy and it research method, I had tried the best to bring …
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