المرأة التطوانية وحضورها بالمجال الحرفي التقليدي ما بين القرنين التاسع عشر والعشرين الميلاديين
The article attempts to shed light on the role of women in the craft sector in Tetuan as a Moroccan Islamic metropolis. Over the recent years, it’s characterized by a wide spread of several traditional crafts that formed the foundation basis of co-existence for a huge segment of Tetuanese society. Also, this field provided authority with important financial resources and taxes to feed Bayt al-mal (The Department of the Treasury).
On the other hand, women had a notable presence in several crafts, in which they excelled with their diligence and eagerness to excel compared to men. despite in spite of those social and value controls that prohibit women from contacting a masculine space, the transformations, the developments and circumstances nowadays pushed them to impose their presence in spite of obstacles.
More importantly enough, historicizing women is a correction of the course of traditional historical texts, which gave a wide space to everything that is masculine, deliberately forgetting what women have done and accomplished in the Islamic urban space. In other words, there must be historical writings that historicize women and make them active in all fields throughout history, rather than marginal ones that are mentioned casually or by chance, as one can notice in the traditional historian’s texts.
Keywords: Crafts and Trades, Tetuanese Woman, Marginalized, Women’s Professions, Contemporary period.
AKDI Hassan, Researcher in social history, Tetuan – kingdom of MOROCCO
ACHBOUN Noureddine, Researcher in Moroccan cultural heritage issues, Tetuan – kingdom of MOROCCO