A field Study on a Sample of Users in the City of Ouargla
مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والتوعية الصحية من مخاطر انتشار فيروس كورونا
دراسة ميدانية على عينة من المستخدمين في مدينة ورقلة
This Research paper aims to research in the topic of the relationship social networking sites with health awareness about the risks of the spread of the corona virus ,in light of the world is witnessing an accelerated form the terrible spread of the virus ,it is offset by the growing use of social networking sites from different segments of society ,social networking sites are a double edged sword that includes awareness of the risks of its spread and another aspect concerned with spreading rumors and wrong information’s, and this led the individual to benefit from the educational contents and wondered about the validity of the information published, through social media different and their degree of credibility. We relied on the descriptive survey approach, we designed an electronic questionnaire from a sample of users in the city of Ouargla.
Keywords: Social Media, Health Awareness, health information, Social, Corona Virus.
Dr. Fatima Zohra SAADAOUI, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Mass Communication and New Media, University of Algiers 3 – ALGERIA