أخبار عاجلة

The sustainability and efficiency of land use in urban planning documentations: Case of M’daourouch

This article is mainly based on the treatment of land issues between sustainability and consumption efficiency through urban planning documents that guide the use and management of land areas; it proposes a reading of the different documents, which direct the strategies of orientation and the functioning of this main engine of each planning operation. The township (commune) of M’daourouch that is located in the east of Algeria is characterized by lands of different vocations located around the urban agglomeration. These features make the subject of urbanization, spatial expansion and urban sprawl becoming more and more a matter of question regarding the policies of land use.

Keywords: Land, urbanization, planning documents, sustainability, M’daourouch.


تقييم المستخدمون: 3.41 ( 3 أصوات)

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