الرواية الصوفية: مفهومها وخصائصها السردية والفنية
The new Moroccan novel was able to break into mysticism and narrate it with the aim of burying it in its secrets, within the framework of its work with experimentation to search for new mechanisms and tools capable of bringing us down from our heritage and penetrating us into the depths of Islamic civilization. That is why the Moroccan novel was able to carry the torch of renewal by breaking into the catacombs of Sufism, employing a symbolic language for this purpose, and miraculous events associated with the dignity of the men of Sufism. On the other hand, we find that the Sufi novel avoids all forms of irony and social criticism. Rather, the Sufi novel was able to break into history to re-read Sufism and invest its spiritual potential in order to reshape reality in new molds that restore consideration of the neglected spiritual aspect under the control of the material world.
Keywords: Sufi Novel, Novelist Experiment, Narrative Characteristics of the Sufi Novel.
Hanane BENALLA, Faculty of Languages, Litterature and Arts, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra – MOROCCO