أخبار عاجلة

Ruling on congregational prayer: a comparative jurisprudential study of the four schools of thought

حكم صلاة الجماعة: دراسة فقهية مقارنة لدى المذاهب الأربعة

This study examines the jurisprudential ruling on congregational prayer by conducting a comparative analysis among the four schools of jurisprudence, using a descriptive-analytical approach. The study encompasses various aspects, including the significance of the subject, linguistic and terminological definitions of prayer and congregation, research questions, previous research, the rationale behind the legitimacy of congregational prayer, scholarly opinions with supporting evidence and discussion, the prevailing opinion, and the reason for its prevalence. The findings of this study are noteworthy:

1 – The prevailing opinion suggests that congregational prayer is an obligatory act.

2 – Allah has commanded the Ummah to gather five times a day and night to perform the five daily prayers in congregation as a means of communication, kindness, and care, and for the purification of hearts and inviting others to Allah through speech and action.

3 – Abandoning congregational prayer was considered a sign of hypocrisy by the companions of the Prophet.

Keywords: Prayer, Congregation, Ruling, Obligatory, Confirmed Sunnah, Communal Obligation.

Ataullah NAZARI, Faculty Member, Faculty of Sharia, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, University of Kabul – AFGHANISTAN

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