أخبار عاجلة

Renewing the heritage curricula and its impact on the reform process according to some prominent figures of Al-Manar School
-Sheikh Muhammad Abdo as a model-

تجديد مناهج التراث وأثره في الإصلاح عند بعض أعلام مدرسة المنار
-الشيخ محمد عبده نموذجا-

Among the major innovative reform efforts in the modern era is the effort of the Al-Manar School whose pioneers have dealt with the declining reality of the Islamic nation. They engaged in reforming this bitter reality in the hope that the nation would resume its civilized course and its contributions in various fields. The school focused in its reform efforts on the need to renew the Islamic heritage curricula so that to answer the Islamic nation’s problems and fulfil its current needs. Among the prominent figures of this school -who devoted themselves to the renewal and the reform process in accordance with Al-Manar’s vision and perception- is Sheikh Muhammad Abdo (may Allah have mercy on him); who had great innovative visions in this field, even labeled by some pioneers of contemporary thought as “the renewal of the world and religion”.

One of Sheikh Muhammad Abduh’s pivotal calls for the renewal and reform, is his call to renew dealing with the Islamic heritage curricula. Since they are methods that were established to answer the Islamic nation’s problems and fulfil its civilization’ needs. That’s why the persistence and stagnation on the efforts of the good predecessors of this nation, without a thorough scrutinizing and a complete consideration to the current reality of the Islamic nation, will only be an obstacle to the nation’s advancement and a hinder to its giving movement.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the necessity of renewing the way we deal with the Islamic heritage curricula. As with them the nation has prevailed, and its renaissance has been achieved throughout its history. With them will be a presence to our nation in the modern age. But on the condition that it succeeds in dealing with this heritage, in a way that achieves this required presence, and enables it to jostle with the other nations.

Keywords: Islamic Renewal, Islamic Revolution, Heritage Curricula, Muhammad Abdo, Al-Manar School.

Dr. Abdelaaziz DIDI; Assistant Professor, Moulay Ismail University; Meknes – Kingdom of MOROCCO

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