الحروب الدينية ودورها في أفول الدولة الثيوقراطية
This paper discusses the role of religious wars in the disintegration of the theocratic state that governed European societies during the Middle Ages and culminated with the French Revolution in 1789. To address this topic, the paper focuses on two main aspects: the first being a historical examination that maps out the religious wars geographically and chronologically across the European continent. The second aspect is analytical, aiming to understand the underlying motivations that fueled these wars. Additionally, this paper contributes to highlighting the ongoing debate among European and Western historians in general regarding the role of religion in these wars. Some argue that religion was at the heart of the devastating events that took place in Europe and consider religious factors as the primary catalyst, while others view them as secular conflicts and downplay the role of religion.
Keywords: Religious Wars, Theocratic State, Religious Reform, Catholicism, Protestantism.
Mohammed AMEZZIAN, Professor of Islamic political thought, College of Sharia, Qatar University – QATAR