أخبار عاجلة

Criticizing the Translations of Audio-Medial Texts

نقد ترجمات النصوص المعاونة

In the twenty-first century, the Arab and Western media have adopted translation as a free service added to the main services which they provide in order to pass their political agendas. This research aims to explain how to criticize translations of audio-medial texts. The results indicated the necessity of activating the role of translation criticism directed at the field of media in order to confront the civilizational and cultural media globalization that threatens the Arabic language and culture.

Keywords: Text, Audio-Medial Text, Translation, Media Translation, Translation Criticism.

Houssameddine HANNICHE, Assistant professor class B, Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Algiers 2 – ALGERIA

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.7 ( 1 أصوات)

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