After the political changes experienced by Morocco, by introducing the concept of reverse logistics and its interaction with E-commerce, environmental guidelines driven by social aspects are becoming crucial for the industry. Therefore, protecting the ecological environment should not compromise economic gains. It is part of an approach aimed at apprehending the construction of the foundations of a reverse logistics approach. These foundations will have to respond not only to the specificity of the but also to have tangible impacts on companies, but also to have tangible impacts on the environment It should be noted that in e-commerce, it’s the other way around: the goods go to the customer. We are therefore witnessing a reversal of the physical flow down the supply chain. This article first analyzes the appearance and evolution, through the advantages and processes of logistics and E-commerce. Subsequently, it will be presented how the reverse logistics positively impact the E-commerce process.
Keywords: Logistics, Reverse Logistics, E-Commerce, Morocco.
DABNICHI Youness, Doctor in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management of Settat, MOROCCO
FERROUD Abderrahim, Doctor in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management of Settat, MOROCCO