أخبار عاجلة

Religious intertextuality in the Arabic novel: contemporary visions and analytical dimensions

The novel “Aisha Descends to the Underworld” by Buthaina Al-Issa is an example

التّناصّ الدّينيّ في الرّواية العربيّة: رؤًى معاصرة وأبعادٌ تحليليّة

رواية “عائشة تنزل إلى العالم السّفليّ” لـ “بثينة العيسى” أنموذجًا

Modern Arabic novels are a rich cultural heritage that is constantly being renewed and evolving. Their methods and forms vary, making them a mirror that reflects the social and cultural transformations in the Arab world. Intertextual relations in Arabic novels refer to the cultural, literary, historical, and social links and associations between the texts of the novel and the cultural and temporal context in which they were composed. In this context, the phenomenon of intertextuality has come to form one of the most prominent dimensions of the new Arabic novel.It is characterized by its intersection with religious, literary, and historical dimensions to create a unique literary text. Buthaina Al-Essa has employed the phenomenon of intertextuality in all its forms in her novels, and she has made it a fundamental pillar on which the narrative discourse rests. This study aims to shed light on the religious intertextuality and its contribution to highlighting the character in the novel “Aisha Goes Down to the Underworld” by Buthaina Al-Essa.

Keywords: Intertextuality, Buthaina Al-Essa, Aisha Goes Down to the Underworld, Contemporary Visions, Literary Analysis.

Aicha El ASSAAD, Doctorate in Literature, Master’s in Educational Adminisstration and Planing, Jinan University – LEBANON

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