أخبار عاجلة

Measuring the level of quality of university life through indicators of quality assurance and academic accreditation – An applied study in Yemeni universities

قياس مستوى جودة الحياة الجامعية من خلال مؤشرات ضمان الجودة والاعتماد الأكاديمي- دراسة تطبيقية في الجامعات اليمنية

The study aims to measure the quality of university life through indicators of quality assurance and academic accreditation, by studying strategies for university quality of life (infrastructure, organizational structure, educational structure), the study has been applied in Yemen’s private universities, The study sample included students of scientific disciplines, and the study found that the quality of university life through indicators of quality assurance and academic accreditation is at a high level with an average (3.45), The quality of university life for infrastructure, the organizational structure it is located at a high measurement level, The quality of university life for the educational structure is at the intermediate level. The study recommended the development of a building strategy for the quality of university life through indicators of quality assurance and academic accreditation and its inclusion in its overall strategies, and attention to the formulation of strategic objectives to improve the quality of university life for students and workers in institutions of higher education; Expansion of infrastructure investment to meet the requirements of academic accreditation of buildings, factories and accompanying services education , improving the educational and organizational environment and providing it with updated teaching methods and curricula and training for teaching staff in modern teaching methods.

Keywords: Quality of Life, Infrastructure, Organizational Structure, Educational Structure.

Majed Kassem ALSAYANI, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology, YEMEN

Hamzah AL HABRI, Assistant Professor Management Information Systems, Al-Jazeera University, YEMEN

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.51 ( 1 أصوات)

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