العنف ضد المرأة – قراءة في المواثيق والإعلانات الدولية لحقوق الإنسان-
Family violence is considered one of the oldest and most widespread types throughout history, and it remains a major threat to the stability and existence of individual life and society. Thus, in this issue the woman’s side is the weakest and most jeopardized, due to the congenital superiority of male over the female, especially in terms of physical strength. In this context, the theme of violence against women, especially in the last century remains of paramount importance in the international charters and advertisements of human rights, whatever its causes and factors that differentiate, the violence against women is an evident violation of human rights, including violence within the family institution in particular. Meanwhile, it has devoted a special protection to human rights through the adoption of a set of fundamental rights. Furthermore, every individual is entitled to live in peace, personal integrity, physical inviolability and the enjoyment of all these rights without injustice, or discrimination. Last but not least, all these rights should rely on fixed and modern international standards that depend on the preventive aspect more than the deterrent one, which may guarantee fair rights for both genders and more specifically women.
Keywords : Violence, Woman, Family, Human Rights, The Law, International Agreements.
Omar BOURASS, Researcher in the Doctoral University of Sidi Mohammed bin Abdullah College of Sharia – Fas. – MOROCCO.