أخبار عاجلة

Shepherd Morocco: Profession, Occupation and Tendencies of livestock farming, Translation and commentary on John Sheesh’s article

الراعي بالمغرب: مهنة وشغل وميولُ تربية الماشية – ترجمة وتعليق لمقال جون شيش

In Morocco, Extensive animal breeding still seems to be basically a pastoral activity, as several aspects of the shepherd’s place in production show. There does not seem to be any decisive rejection of this occupation. Families who send their children to school still assign a son or even a daughter to this task. Stockbreeding is always seen as dependent on the shepherd’s skill. So, We can judge this sector’s place in a unit of production by the type of person called upon to take care of the herd (children or old people of both sexes, adult men …) and by the terms of the contracts agreed on with shepherds from outside the family group. There is still a big demand for skilled shepherds particularly in the mountains, where sheeps and goats owners prefer to recruit from areas well-known for their shepherds. Stock-breeding requires an important workforce, only some of whom will be working full-time; preference is therefore given to recruiting shepherds who accept the job with their families or to assigning its occupation to a sub-group of the patriarchal family.

Keywords: Morocco, Pastoralism, Family Workforce.

Elmaati Briane, Doctorate at Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Humanities et Social Sciences, Kenitra – MOROCCO

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