أخبار عاجلة

Taqiyya among the Ahle Sunah and their opponents

التّقِيّة عند أهل السنة ومخالفيهم

The issue of taqiyya is one of the doctrinal jurisprudential issues in which falsehood is mixed with truth, Therefore, knowing its provisions is essential. The scholars of the Ahle Sunah Wal Jumaat defined it with various definitions, al Her intercourse: caution against revealing what is in one’s self, from what we believe and others for the enemy, Or show disagreement  to what is in one’s self when necessary while reassuring the heart with truth and faith, and its ruling is that the Lawgiver made it permissible and permitted it, and the scholars have set certain controls for it to be implemented that they have deduced from the texts of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and the biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his good companion.

Islamic scholars have contributed greatly to invalidating the corrupt allegations about it, taking advantage of mandatory transmission and rational evidence. An explanation of the argument and an establishment of the argument, perhaps Allah will return it from the right side to truth and guidance.

Keywords: Al Aqedah, Taqiyya, Ahle Sunah Wal Jumaat, Opponents.

Professor Dr. Sayed Shah Faisal SADAAT, Academic Member of AL Falah University – Nangarahar, AFGHANISTAN

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